ESRI Arc Info Workstation V9.0 英文光碟正式版 (GIS地圖系統)(3CD)
ESRI Arc Info Workstation V9.0 英文光碟正式版 (GIS地圖系統)(3CD)`
在ArcGIS軟體家族中,ArcInfo是GIS軟體中功能最全面的。它包含 ArcView 和 ArcEditor
所有功能,並加上高級空間處理和資料轉換,使 ArcInfo成為GIS的實際標準。 ArcInfo是
整個GIS資料創建、更新、查詢、製圖和分析系統。由 ArcInfo桌面和 ArcInfo
ArcInfo Workstation使用傳統的用戶介面進行空間處理 (ARC, ARCEDIT, ARCPLOT, ARC
巨集語言 [AML]以及更多 )。除了提供對許多 ArcInfo用戶熟悉的環境,ArcInfo
workstation包含基本的和無可比擬的空間處理功能。它運行在Windows NT, Windows
2000,Windows XP,和許多UNIX 平臺。
CD1 : ArcInfo Workstaion CD1 9
CD2 : ArcInfo Workstaion CD2 9
CD3 : ArcDoc 文檔
ArcInfo is the most complete and extensible GIS available. It includes
all the functionality of ArcView and ArcEditor and adds advanced geoprocessing
and data conversion capabilities. Professional GIS users use ArcInfo for all
aspects of data building, modeling, analysis, and map display for screen and output.
A complete GIS out of the box, ArcInfo provides all the functionality for creating
and managing an intelligent GIS. This functionality is accessible via an easy-to-use
interface that is customizable and extensible through models, scripting, and applications.
With ArcInfo you can:
Build powerful geoprocessing models for discovering relationships, analyzing data, and integrating data.
Perform vector overlay, proximity, and statistical analysis.
Generate events along linear features and overlay events with other features.
Convert data to and from many formats.
Build complex data and analysis models and scripts to automate GIS processes.
Publish cartographic maps using extensive display, design, printing, and data management techniques.
CD1 : ArcInfo Workstaion CD1 9
CD2 : ArcInfo Workstaion CD2 9
CD3 : ArcDoc Documentarion